April 25, 2008

Mad Blind man.

Afternoon sun, time has past since the noon; the city is divided into day and night. Close creeping buildings, covering over each other like collapsing lovers and their shadows; dark alleys cold and quiet, as if to brew a sinister mystery. The wind was unforgiving, sucking out all your dreams and all the comfort of the passed night.
A man, buzzes up and down the forsaken alley, blabbering, chanting as if in an endless convulsion.
'Go go go away, go away from the lie, your unheard cry, deep within your stoned heart.
fie fie...
Run away when you can....be wise not brave...
Hey where are my eyes? where are my eyes? you took my eyes! give them back...
Curse you mortal curse you....
Your fagged lonely dream will rot in your head...
rot! I tell you
Why do you run...eh? come face me, FACE ME!.
Cowards, bastards....you don't have no home....masterless futile creations...
Oh....just end your perdition...just kill yourself
Do you have time? Time? stay with me...
tea? coffee? I have biscuits I cannot find...
I'll go to the heaven...will you come
I've one extra ticket....
Just for you, if you give me back what's mine.
Come on, lets go to heaven...
This place is a shitpile, there's nothing left for you..
come come...
Coward! Coward! Go hide in your hole.
She touches my face. O the one angel's name Le nore...
The angel of death... she's gone she will never return...
Nor will you...Slave!.....'
Thud! He falls unconscious. Still blabbering in his head...angry and insane...
He forsake the world.

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